Read more about the experiences of others after their Child in Mind session:

Response from a mother:
“Thank you for the session! I was amazed to see instant results for my 3-year-old. Normally she wakes up agitated and calls for me directly, but this time she came to me quietly and I got a warm hug. She is a very temperamental child who appeared uneasy around most people; after her session I noticed her calmer, less clingy with me and able to be more present with adults.
I am so grateful for what the session already brought us!
If your child is struggling and unable to communicate their issues, then definitely try a session with Marieke.”
Marielle about the Child in Mind session of her daughter (3)

Response from a mother:
“We want to thank you very much for the session. We recognize very much of what you write and that also gives us confidence as parents.
We are happy that we can help Amy step by step to feel safer, in order to let her shine and discover the world even more.
I’m very grateful that she wanted to share this. And thank you again for putting it so beautifully into words for her!”
Karin about the Child in Mind session of her daughter (6 months old)

Response from Sandra (55):
“Thank you! It is so nice to read the result of the session. I will print it and read it regularly. I am indeed going through some trauma release – in my body – from my childhood, now I understand more about it. I am spending my free time in nature, which is helping. I have asked for support too, so that is good.
Thanks for your session. You do amazing work!”
Sandra about her Child in Mind session

Response from a mother:
“What an incredibly beautiful message. Nadine and I find the message very fitting. I’m glad to hear that she says that she wants to do less instead of more. This is exactly right. Her teacher has offered her less homework, because of the pressure it gave to Nadine.
Good to hear that she wants to express herself a bit more. We will focus on this.
I am very happy with this message. Again, thank you very much for the beautiful message.”
Laura about the Child in Mind session for her daughter (10)

Response from Inge (65):
“I am very touched by your Child in Mind session. A lot of tears were flowing while reading. And even now, I notice that there are situations to which I react emotionally. I understand everything you wrote. I also understand that I need to take care of myself. Thank you for all the work you have done for me. I will read it again regularly and hope that I can get to find that place of happiness within.“
Inge about her Child in Mind session

Response from Elizabeth (64):
“It really blows my mind. I was in big tears after reading this session about my father. What a special way to receive a loving message from him. I now understand why he was never able to express this properly in his life. I am very grateful for this message. It brings peace and now I am able to feel so much more love! Thank you, Marieke!”
Elizabeth about her Child in Mind session for her deceased father

Response from Marjanne (63):
“One time, I woke up in the middle of the night, and found comfort in the images that you showed me during the session. I was able to implement the practical tip that was given. It was very calming and reassuring, which made it easier for me to let go and I even fell asleep again. This happened very rarely so far, so that’s a great benefit. Thank you for the beautiful reminders to myself!”
Marjanne (63) about her Child in Mind session

Response from Ines (32):
“Thank you for the very touching and spot on session! I fully recognize myself and us in it! I am very happy with it and I am going to let it sink in!”
Ines about her Child in Mind session with a Child Wish theme

Response from Marieke (32):
“What a special session! I didn’t expect that reading the report would trigger so much. It really felt like I was going back to the moment of being born, but now with a much lighter feeling. It’s like a heavy veil has been lifted off me. Thank you for this deep and healing experience!”
Marieke (32) about her session with the birth processing theme
Are you ready to hear your message from within?